Don’t miss the article of Mara Sanchéz Llorens “Some ‘Tropicalist’ Architectures Imagined by Lina Bo Bardi on Paper” we leave you an abstract of it:
Lina Bo Bardi took part of the debate about culture and Brazilian architecture after her arrival to this country in 1946. She discussed the relationship between modernity and tradition, art and crafts; she materialized, in various media contributions to the annotated discussion and enriched the enthusiastic Tropicália movement with environmental strategies, participation of users and collective identity. Many of those bobardian contributions were not built, but they are indispensable to understand her complex creative work. The present article shows us some of her through three projects: the scenery for the work of theatre In the jungle cities, that was represented in 1969, the Circular House (1962) and the Community Camurupim (1975); in they experienced and proposed utopian forms of inhabiting in which them scenarios for it collective and the relationship between architecture and nature will try of reveal us why we can consider Bo Bardi was as the ‘mother of a certain tropicalism’.
“In Bahia was created an active colective of local artist that years later would be the genesis of Tropicalia”
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