On Friday May 9 2014, Luis Feduchi, UCJC School of Architecture’s new Dean, delivered An Inaugural Lecture entitled “Arquitectura Campo de Prácticas” (Architecture Field of Practice). In it Dean Feduchi introduced his professional and academic career and the basis of his plan for our School of Architecture.
This new plan advocates for the integration of architectural activity in research and learning, through research teams integrating teachers and students. Internationally renowned architect Professor Luis Feduchi, is committed to encourage the international aspiration of the University by way of enabling students and teachers’ mobility and international agreements with other prestigious learning and research institutions, with the ultimate aim to make the UCJC School of Architecture and Technology a leader in the field.
The School is evolving to a more internationally open institution, where students and teachers share work and research workshops and establish the foundation for active cooperation. The main focus is on research and practice oriented methods of learning, high qualification teaching, and international lecturers.
Over the following days more details of this ambitious and stimulating new project will be posted on in this blog.
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